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Adding horse fencing to a farm or facility that’s already up and running presents a unique set of challenges. You don’t want to lose the functionality of your facility, and you’ll want to keep your horses safe while the new fencing is being installed. If you’re planning to add fencing to your farm in the future, here are some tips to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

02B71993 Tips for Adding Fencing to Your Already Functioning FarmPlan Ahead

Before you begin installing your new fencing, plan ahead to make sure that the installation can be completed as you’re anticipating. Carefully examine the areas of the property where you will be installing fencing. Consider what time of year the installation will take place – could the weather cause potential issues? Cold weather that arrives earlier than anticipated in the winter can make digging fence post holes more difficult if you’re planning to do so by hand.

You will also want to consider how these areas are currently used. Will you be working in a pasture where horses are already turned out? If so, then you will need to come up with a plan to keep the horses contained while the new fencing is installed. Depending on the amount of fencing that you’re installing, you might be able to simply move the horses to a different field for a day, or the process might be more complex.

Progress Slowly

When adding fencing to an already functioning property, it’s usually best to plan the project so that you install fencing just a bit at a time to avoid totally disrupting the facility’s functionality. If you only work on one area at a time and complete it before moving on, that area can resume its normal function, helping to keep the farm running smoothly.

Secure Horses Safely

If you’re working around areas with horses, then you will definitely need to come up with ways to keep the horses safe. Horses should be kept far away from fencing installation areas. Confine the horses to a pasture that doesn’t share a fence line with the area that you’re working on. If you don’t have adequate pastures to turn all of the horses out, then consider rotating their time in the turnouts until the fencing installation is completed.

Keep Track of Materials

No matter what type of fencing you’re installing, you will probably be using tools and equipment that horses could injure themselves on. Horses are notoriously nosy, so keep careful track of all of the equipment and supplies that you’re using. Be sure that all equipment is properly packed up and stored out of the reach of horses at the end of each day. If you’re using small pieces like nails or screws, you’ll need to be particularly vigilant. It’s a good idea to sweep the completed fencing area with a large magnet before you let horses out.

Most any farm or stable will, at some point, have to install additional fencing. Plan ahead to make sure that the process goes smoothly.

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